
Carrot Cupcakes 红萝卜杯子蛋糕

Cupcakes' Ingredients:
180gm All-Purpose Flour
1tsp Baking Soda
1/4tsp Salt
1tsp Ground Cinnamon
1/2cup Hazel Nuts, Chopped
2 large Eggs
100gm Castor Sugar
2/3cup Vegetable Oil
1/2tsp Vanilla Essence
2/3cup Grated Apple 
1 1/2cups Finely Grated Raw Carrots
Cream Cheese Frosting:
55gm Butter (Room Temperature)
150-200gm Cream Cheese (Room Temperature)
100gm Icing Sugar, Sifted
1/4tsp Lemon Zest
1/4tsp Lemon Juice

Carrot Cupcakes

  1. Preheat oven to 180C, place rack in center of oven. Line 12 muffin cups with paper liners.

  2. Mix flour, baking soda, salt and ground cinnamon in a large bowl. Fold in chopped hazel nuts.

  3. Whisk eggs until lightly beaten in another large bowl. Add in sugar, oil and vanilla essence and whisk until slightly thickened. Fold in grated apple and grated carrots.

  4. Fold step 3 mixture into step 2 mixture until incorporated.

  5. Fill the 12 muffin cups with the batter and bake at 180C for 20-25 minutes.

  6. Remove from the oven and let it cool before frosting.


  1. Using electric mixer to beat butter and cream cheese until very smooth and creamy.

  2. Add in icing sugar and beat until fully incorporated and smooth.

  3. Add in lemon zest and lemon juice and mix well.

  4. Pipe the frosting on top of each cupcake, serve immediately or put in refrigerator until serving time.

Makes: 12 cupcakes


Portuguese Egg Tart 葡京蛋挞


[Preparation time: 120 minutes, Baking time: 20 minutes]

Pastry A:
500g Soft Flour, Sifted
1/4tsp Salt
1tbsp Castor Sugar
100g Butter
230-250ml Cold Water

Pastry B:
200g Pastry Margarine

500ml Milk
200g Castor Sugar
300g Whipping Cream
270g Egg Yolks
1 Egg
1/2tsp Vanilla
  1. Pastry: Rub butter into flour, add salt and sugar, pour in water and knead into a smooth dough. Cover and rest for 30 minutes. Roll into an oblong shape just about 1cm thick and wrap up pastry margarine, fold into 3 layers once and 4 layers twice. Wrap up with plastic and rest in the fridge for 30 minutes. Roll into rectangular shape and then roll up. Wrap up and rest for 30 minutes. Divide into 42 parts and press into moulds.
  2. Filling: Mix all the ingredients till sugar dissolves. Strain. Pour into moulds till 90% full.
  3. Bake at 250C till cooked and golden brown. Remove, leave to cool slightly before serving.

*It is best to leave the pastry in cool place for about 15 minutes, in between rolling and folding, to get a good result.
**After baking, the surface of this Portuguese Egg Tarts is not smooth and may have black patches on top. It is best to serve it while still warm.

Puff Pastry Making

240g Flour
Pinch of Salt
50g Butter
1tsp Lemon Juice (mixed with 150ml cold water)
180g Pastry Margarine

  1. Get ready all the ingredients.
  2. Place flour and salt into a mixing bowl and mix well. Rub in butter until resembles bread crumbs.
  3. Add in lemon juice and water, knead for about 5 minutes to form a smooth dough.
  4. Cover with cloth and rest for 30 minutes.
  5. Roll out dough into 1cm thick and oblong shape. Then roll the pastry margarine to just under 2/3 the size of the oblong.
  6. Place pastry margarine to cover 2/3 of the dough.
  7. Fold the empty 1/3 portion over 1/3; then fold up the other end 1/3 to form 3 layers.
  8. Roll out into an oblong again.
  9. Repeat step 7 & 8 for 5-6 more times (Rest for 15 minutes after each folding and rolling).
  10. Puff pastry ready to be used.
Memo: Puff pastry can kept in the freezer for several months. Just defrost the pastry before using.





  1. 皮料:将粉,盐,糖,牛油拌匀,加入冷水搓揉至光滑,休面30分钟。杆成长方形约1公分厚,包入酥油,3折1次及4折2次后,用塑胶袋包好,放入冰箱休面30分钟。取出杆成长方形卷起,包好休面30分钟。切成42份,放入挞杯中按好。
  2. 蛋馅:将全部材料搅匀至糖溶。取出,待稍冷便可供食。



240g 面粉
50g 牛油
1小汤匙柠檬 (加入150ML冷水搅均匀)
180g酥油 (可以减少一点,以减少油腻感)

  1. 准备好所有的材料.
  2. 将面粉和盐放入碗中混均匀,加入牛油用手指揉成面包糠状.
  3. 加入柠檬汁和水,揉约5分钟成一光滑的面团。
  4. 盖上干布,休息30分钟。
  5. 杆成约1cm厚的长方形,另将酥油也杆成面团的2/3的长方形。
  6. 折上1/3;再将另一端也折上来(成3折)。
  7. 杆成长方形。
  8. 重复步骤7和8一共5至6次(每折一次需休息15分钟)。
  9. 已做好的千层皮面团。