现在大部分酒店都是招待Halal点心, 但是位于Renaissance Kuala Lumpur Hotel一楼的Dynasty Restaurant (满福楼)中餐厅却很难得的招待Non-Halal的点心。
弟弟每一次到吉隆坡都会要求吃点心, 这一次我们就选择了满福楼。因为佳节期间人潮很多, 酒店餐厅不接受电话预订, 我们只好早上早早walk in。进到餐厅时一座都没有, 我们是最早到的一座。
服务员带我们到没那么晒的位置坐下, 二姐点餐。热茶先送上, 我们就一边喝茶一边等点心。等了大概十分钟, 点心就陆陆续续的送上来。
餐厅外摆盆吉子树, 意味着大吉大利 |
环境舒适, 地方宽敞不会拥挤 |
古色古香的餐具 |
灯饰稍微点缀一下就很有新年的气氛 |
很有古典味的餐牌 |
吃点心当然少不了来杯热茶 |
S2 香茜鲜虾饺 | Crystal Prawn Dumpling with Cilantro
RM13.80 (inclusive 10% service charge and 6% GST)
味道: 6.5/10
D4 黄金招牌韭菜饼 l Signature Chive Biscuit
RM16.80 (inclusive 10% service charge and 6% GST)
味道: 7.5/10
D3 上海灌汤小籠包 l Steamed Shanghai Dumpling Simmered in Superior Stock
RM16.80 (inclusive 10% service charge and 6% GST)
味道: 7/10
D6 蝦仁腊味萝卜糕 l Wok-fried Radish Cake with Shrimps and Bean Sprout
RM16.80 (inclusive 10% service charge and 6% GST)
味道: 7.5/10
S7 金銀蒜芋條蒸排骨 l Steamed Spare Ribs with Yam & Garlic
RM13.80 (inclusive 10% service charge and 6% GST)
味道: 7/10
F1 巧手煎锅贴 | Pan-seared Shanghai Dumpling
RM13.80 (inclusive 10% service charge and 6% GST)
味道: 6.5/10
F7 芝士腐皮卷 | Bean Curd Roll with Cheese
RM13.80 (inclusive 10% service charge and 6% GST)
味道: 7/10
F4 香煎芋丝饼 | Crispy Yam Biscuit
RM13.80 (inclusive 10% service charge and 6% GST)
味道: 8.5/10
F3 沙律明虾饺 | Cryspy Prawn Salad Dumpling
RM13.80 (inclusive 10% service charge and 6% GST)
味道: 6/10
D5 满福招牌流沙包 l Steamed Bun with Egg Yolk Custard
RM15.80 (inclusive 10% service charge and 6% GST)
味道: 8.5/10
F7 乳奶蜜果香滑布丁 | Chilled Melon Cream Pudding
RM14.00 (inclusive 10% service charge and 6% GST)
味道: 7/10
F1 清炖竹蔗马蹄雪蛤 | Double-boiled Sweetened Hasma, Water Chestnut & Dried Sugar Cane
RM30.00 (inclusive 10% service charge and 6% GST)
味道: 6.5/10
F4 雪糕西米牛油果露 | Ice Cream, Sago & Avocado Cream
RM14.00 (inclusive 10% service charge and 6% GST)
味道: 7/10
F5 香芒雪糕西米露 | Chilled Mango Puree with Sago & Ice Cream
RM14.00 (inclusive 10% service charge and 6% GST)
味道: 7/10
吃完点心, 不忘记来个甜品 |
2016年, 被选为最佳餐厅 |
S1 鱼子蒸燒賣 l Minced Pork Dumpling Topped With Fish Roe
RM13.80 (inclusive 10% service charge and 6% GST)
味道: 6.5/10
整体来说味道并没有很特出, 其中我比较喜欢的是这里的香煎芋丝饼, 咬下去带点脆, 芋头的味道很香。还有就是满福招牌流沙包, 一口要下去流沙涌着出来, 咸蛋黄和牛油的味道浓郁, 不会太甜, 很好吃。
总消费: RM187.90 (四人)
整体评分: 7/10
满福楼 | Dynasty Restaurant
地址: 1st Floor, Renaissance Kuala Lumpur Hotel, Corner of Jalan Sultan Ismail and Jalan Ampang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur.
电话: +603 - 2716 9388
营业时间: 周一至周六:12:00am-2:30pm; 6:30pm-10:30pm, 周日和公共假期:9:00am-2:30pm; 6:30pm-10:30pm